Monday, May 30, 2011


Rogation Days

THE Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday before the Ascension are observed as days of solemn supplication, and are called Rogation Days, from the Latin word rogatio, meaning Litany, because the Litany of Saints is chanted on those days in the processions which take place.

The Rogation days originated in France. In the year 469 the city of Vienne suffered from earthquakes, failure of crops, and other clamities. The pious Bishop Mamertus, who saw in the events the judgement of God, called upon his flock to appease Heaven by penances, processions, and prayers during the three days before Ascension day. The example of Mamertus was followed by all the French bishops, and the custom finally became general. These three Rogation days serve also as a preparation for the feast of the Ascention, which  reminds us that we have the most powerful intercessor in Our Saviour, Who is now enthroned at the right hand of the Father.
Next: Feast of the Ascension